Obtaining a free laptop for your activities from various places is feasible if you are looking for one. Most people need help to buy laptops due to their high cost readily. Although it can be difficult for low-income families to purchase, laptops are essential for office jobs, family enjoyment, and their children’s education, so lets know how to get a free laptop near me.
Free computers might be available nearby. If you reside in an urban area, you can receive a free laptop. If you live in a rural region, you can still receive a free laptop. Borrowing money from friends and family might be inconvenient, particularly if they don’t seem to be lending a helping hand sincere. Not having the money to buy one is another annoyance, but you don’t need to worry about that today because you will find enough information regarding places where you may acquire free laptops.
The federal government generally helps low-income people obtain accessible electronics, including computers, tablets, and cellphones. The Affordable Connectivity Programme (ACP), which was just introduced, enables qualified households to purchase tablets, laptops, and desktop computers at reduced prices for personal use. Stay tuned as you will discover how to become eligible and submit an application for the ACP program.
Best ways to get a free laptop near me
Finding reliable sources for free laptops in my area might not be as difficult as you think. Here are some methods for getting a computer for free or at a reduced price.

- Through the Programme for Affordably Connectedness
- enrolling in a public school
- through non-governmental organizations
- from the library in your town
- from family members and friends.
Let’s go over each of the above methods in more detail so you can see how to apply for one.
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Affordable Connectivity Program
The ACP program is a federal assistance initiative providing free broadband to low-income households to meet their online demands. It offers qualifying households a monthly internet service discount of no more than $30 and up to $75 for homes on qualified tribal grounds. Suppose qualifying households contribute at least $10 and no more than $50 towards the purchase price. In that case, they can receive a one-time discount of up to approximately $100 when purchasing a desktop, laptop, or tablet from eligible ACP suppliers.
The program can help you obtain a laptop; while it’s not entirely free, you can receive a substantial discount and apply a modest amount towards the purchase price, as mentioned above. You also have complimentary internet access for online services.
Who qualifies for the ACP program?
It’s critical to ascertain if you qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Programme. If a household’s gross household income is 200% or less than the FPG or Federal Poverty Guidelines, they are Qualified for the ACP program.
If you or a household member were awarded a Federal Pell Grant OR FPG during the current award year, or if you meet the requirements for an ACP participating service provider’s low-income internet program, you might also be eligible for ACP. You might also qualify if you participate in the following support programs.
- Medicaid School Lunch Programme: Free and Reduced Lunches
- Program for School Breakfast
- Program for Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV)
- Assistance with Federal Housing, including:
- Project-Specific Rental Support
- Public Housing Programmes for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and American Indians that Provide Access to Affordable Housing
- Income Supplemental Security (SSI)
- Pension for Veterans or Benefits for Survivors
- Vital Sign
- If you reside on TANF OR tribal lands and participate in the following aid programs, you may also be eligible for ACP.
- Indian Affairs Bureau All-Aides
- Program for Food Distribution on Indian Reservations
- Native American TANF
- Tribal Head Start (depending on income)
READ MORE: Get Free Laptops For Low-income Families – 18 Ways
Applications for ACP to get a free laptop
You must apply for ACP to receive a substantial laptop discount if you are eligible. Applying for a free laptop can be done in three different ways. Among them are the following.
- Online at AffordableConnectivity.gov, along with the necessary paperwork.
- On the webpage of your service provider
- Via mail by getting the application, filling it out, attaching the required paperwork, and mailing it to the appropriate organization.
Once your application is approved, you will pay your ACP service provider the appropriate amount to receive your laptop.
Joining a public or online school
If you’re a student looking for a free laptop, joining a public school that provides free laptops to its pupils will make it easy for you to receive one. Many of our colleges and universities offer free computers to their students to help them with their academics. When enrolling in an online school, you may receive a free laptop to help with online learning. The following are some instances of educational institutions that provide free laptops.
- Wake Forest University
- Centenary College
- Bethel University
- Widener University
- Northwest Missouri State University
Non- Governmental Organizations
Many non-governmental organizations provide free computers to qualified individuals. The requirements for NGOs are typically the same as those for ACP. Assuming you present the required paperwork, you should be eligible for a free laptop if you participate in any aid program. Most NGOs let you apply online and have your laptop delivered to your home address.
It would help to consider the following few NGOs for your complimentary laptop.
- With Causes
- World Computer Exchange
- Salvation Army
- The National Cristina Foundation
- PCs for People
- EveryoneOn
- SmartRiverside-California
Your religious organization—your mosque, church, or any other relevant institution—might also give you a free laptop.
From your local library
The computers in your local library are available for free use, including desktop and laptop models. They may even be giving things away, so see if the library in your area has a free device to assist with your business.
From your friends and relatives
You can ask your parent, sibling, or any other relative for assistance with a free laptop. Your friends and relatives can also provide you a free laptop, or your friend might even gift you one.
A laptop is a pricey gadget that most individuals could find challenging to obtain. Due to their high price, laptops may need to be within reach for low-income households. If you meet the requirements, there are ways to receive a free notebook. One can be obtained via the Affordable Connectivity Programme, an NGO, your neighborhood public library, public or online education, or through friends and family.